The Connection Between Diabetes and Oral Health: How We Can Help
The link between your oral and systemic health is extremely strong. They often say that your mouth is the “gateway” or “window” to the rest of your body. By peering in at your smile, we can gain an understanding of bacterial levels and inflammation throughout your body as a whole, not just your mouth.
As the years go by, more and more scientific data shows an extremely high link between blood glucose levels, diabetes, and oral health care. Mission Valley families that have a diabetic in their household should understand how strong the relationship is with uncontrolled glucose levels and oral hygiene. Mission Valley providers at Cassell Dentistry work to help these individuals stabilize their oral infection so that they can in turn expect a positive impact on their diabetic condition.
Symptoms to Look For
If you’re a diabetic, pay particular attention to your mouth. If you notice any of these periodontal warning signs, call our office for an exam:
- Gums that bleed when you brush or floss
- Chronic bad breath
- Tartar buildup
- Gum recession (“long teeth”)
- Gaps between teeth
- Swollen, inflamed, tender gum tissues
- Heavy plaque on your teeth throughout the day
A Cyclic Relationship
Of the numerous research studies conducted, a person’s oral health status and dental hygiene (Mission Valley) are directly correlated to their blood glucose readings. Those individuals with active and untreated periodontal disease are scientifically proven to have a higher likelihood of uncontrolled blood glucose levels, even if their doctor is treating them for diabetes.
It turns out that even if you’re taking medication and modifying your diet, diabetes can go uncontrolled if there is still an active bacterial infection inside of your mouth. The more aggressive your periodontal disease is, the more likely you are to not be able to get your diabetes stabilized.
Combatting your medical condition from one direction just is not effective or a good use of your time. And it’s just one reason why people with diabetes are at a higher risk of tooth loss.
There’s Good News
Our dental office in Mission Valley has good news for diabetic patients. Even though you may feel like diabetes requires 100% of your attention, there’s something extra you can do: address your mouth. By stabilizing your oral health and eliminating gum disease, you can significantly improve your blood glucose readings.
Don’t take our word for it; it’s scientifically proven. In numerous studies, people with diabetes who went from a diseased oral state to completing periodontal therapy were more likely to see improvement in their diabetic condition than those who did not treat their gum disease.
When you take the approach of addressing both conditions simultaneously — rather than just one at a time — you can stabilize both your oral health and diabetes in a joint effort. We’ll work with you to find ways to be more effective with your oral hygiene to reduce the bacterial load in your mouth. In turn, having lower bacterial levels will reduce the impact on spikes in blood sugar.
Healthier Smile, Healthier You
If you’ve already accepted that diabetes means losing your teeth early, think again. Cassell Dentistry will help you create a modified oral hygiene routine and preventative care strategy to keep gum disease at bay. During each of your visits, we’ll carefully screen for periodontal symptoms to intercept issues during the earliest stages of development.
The key is prevention. Scheduling a preventative care appointment (exam, cleaning, and periodontal evaluation) every six months is key. People with uncontrolled diabetes may better benefit from a cleaning as frequently as every 3-4 months. Even if it’s not covered by your dental insurance, the modest preventative investment could mean the difference in saving your smile for decades to come.
Have Diabetes? Need a Dentist? Call Now
Cassell Dentistry considers all of your underlying medical conditions as they relate to your oral health. Since systemic wellness and dental hygiene often complement one another, we take a comprehensive approach to your dental care and recommended treatments.
If you’re looking for a new dentist in Mission Valley and you’re due for a checkup, contact us today to request an appointment.